Friday, October 28, 2011

Cat Cam!

Lookey what I bouugghhhtt....!

Since we spotted it months ago, I wanted it bad.

Even if Jian (and possibly others) hates it, I think it's the cutest!

Pray excuse my frizzy hair, I just got back from a blustery walk home.
Oh, who am I kidding. My hair's always frizzy :'(


New photo of my silly feline friend


 Lights riding in a little box cart my Mom fashioned out of raffia and chopstick, while we drag her around the house.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fox Dress, Plus A Couple of Events

Been working on this little dress for the past week now. Printing foxes is hard business!
As the orange fabric paint I bought is not opaque like my white, I had to do multiple layers, 2 orange coats on top of 2 white coats for the base.


 Plus a coat for the ears, a coat for the white of the face, and then dots for eyes and noses. 
 Definitely not as straight forward as my other projects! 


The neck of this dress is a lot wider as well compared to my other dresses, almost off-shoulder but not quite. I gave it rather skinny sleeves as well. 
This is the outcome of it! 

I've also added a minute detail at the near-bottom of the dress. Not quite sure if you can see it in the photo. Quite a subtle fold to give the dress a bit more personality. I'm rather contemplative if I sh/would put this up for sale. It's a lot of work, but let's see the response to it! 

Still, I would need an overlock. 

Or, I could just sew french seams...


Friday, we headed down to Unleashed!
This was the event where I helped silkscreen posters for.
There were some really good enjoyable dances in there. Top 2 fave dances are most certainly the interpretive dance, "Unsettled", and the engaging slam poetry + a loveable prototypical battle of classic versus hip hop, "Sunday Avenue Crew". Ending the evening off,  Ty brought Jian and I to this sweet Japanese eatery down at Cuppage for some good o'fashioned tamago ramen and yaki gyoza for supper!


 Saturday, we headed down to Uyii's launch. It's fantastic to see more local designers getting out there! A definitive change of scene in Singapore, and I'm liking where this is heading. No products shot of their line from me, but a few poor snaps of their studio!

A friend of theirs hand-drawn this mural and filled it in with black markers. How amazing does it look?
Also, that's the designer of Uyii's bags, Li Ping, munching on a cupcake by the left.

A couple of their other friends too, fashioned these furniture all on their own out of cardboard! The last time I was there, they were in the figuring-it-out-stage. Upon launch, all these were built! I'm thoroughly impressed!

Take a look at their side project too, Pipe Dreams. They aim to construct 100 whimsical cloud pillows through scraps of unwanted textiles. These cloud pillows really are a dream. Their craftsmanship is just stunning! I wish I had taken an individual snapshot of each cloud on display!

Still, the best element in the studio was this simple yet effective poster.


& an update! If you've been wondering where my website has gone too, the previous domain has expired and this is the new/current one! :)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

IF: Scatttered

Haven't done an IF in a while:

Quick little illo. An obvious play with the word scatterbrain.

Also, I'll be participating in 2012's The Sketchbook Project! My selected theme's Sandwich, which should be lots of fun! 
If anyone else feels persuaded to join, lemme know! I've got a promotional code for a discount! :D

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Some things I've purchased today

Thinking of getting more of those hair pins! I feel like a little pixie with them on!

Monday, October 17, 2011

A compass pointing

A re-attempt at re-fashioning my Moustache Dress. Did away with the elastic waist, and thought of including pockets as well, but got lazy at the thought of constructing it.. Pockets would definitely make the dress more awesome, but I think, this will be the make.

Tomorrow, I'll see a woman about a job. This job could be good for me. I'm uncertain as to where all this will/could lead. (But in the least,) I am hoping by this, I'll have the extra cash I need to get myself an overlock machine/serger!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Lights in a weeek

She has learnt to appreciate heights and is finally brave enough to jump down from height of roughly 3 metres.

Her favourite hang out spot now is on the kitchen sink, near an open window -

- where she can gaze intently at swooping/squawking birds outside

I really don't know what is it that makes me want to take so many photos of Lights. Truth be told, I really do follow Lights around the house with my phone wherever she goes (well, rationally, of course). I have over 3000 odd photos in my iPhone and content of it, let's just put it this way, is almost a hundred percent of her. 

It's debatable if I have an issue (and maybe being cooped up working at home might be something of relation to this), but ..

How can you not want to capture moments like this of this stunning creature??


It's crazy! I am a crazy cat lady!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Stylish Dress Book, Pattern E

Having recently bought Yoshiko Tsukiori's Stylish Dress Book, I couldn't wait to try this pattern out!

I just love the easiness of this dress. It's a simple enough pattern to follow, and I managed to even practice certain sewing techniques I have learnt from my aunt. 

Started off with cutting out the patterns, then hand-printed the fabric with little horsies stamps I crafted.


Quite certainly, out of the entire project, this printing on business (besides tracing the sewing pattern out from the book) was the most tedious. 

After a night of sewing, the dress is complete!


Now if you don't mind some photobooth snapshots, this is how the dress looks worn.


I am really diggin' the loose fit. (Mom says: "What, you prepping for pregnancy?")
A very girly, fun, casual dress, which I can totally imagine myself in for picnics.


Plus, I love these Japanese patterns so much, I got more sewing books!


Friday, October 7, 2011

Tick-Tock, Time goes by

Some happy purchases!


 Made some galloping horsies stamps


Some hand-printing today


& enjoying a cuppa

There's another japanese pattern book I'd like to get my hands on. Maybe, I'll try my luck again at Kinokuniya later. Plus, the weather's been terrific for stay-home projects lately :) 

  “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don’t settle.” - Steve Jobs

Monday, October 3, 2011

Tie-Dye 太太s!

I got the boys over for a tie-dye session Saturday. 
Made them a little brunch and Ty contributed a beautiful salad.

I'm quite surprised by how much the boys actually loved tie-dyeing. So much so, that we decided there is going to be a regular meet for craft + brunch for us, The Tie-Dye Tai Tais (what we have called ourselves, thanks to Parsadika the Tibetian Prince's ingenuity).

The shirts look bright and fine now - but, when it actually came down to making our tie-dyes a success, it all went down the drain. Literally.

Earlier on, while preparing the dye solution, I had forgotten the all important step of adding salt to the mix. All colour ran out after a machine wash :(

Why is salt so important? What does it do? How does it work?!

It was rather disappointing to say the least. I had never failed in my tie-dye efforts, but the day I invite my friends over for a party, I bungled. 

Taking it in comfort, it was for the better, as some attempts of being avant-garde (developing never been done before tie-dye techniques) really didn't turn out well. Think blood clots & tumours. 

However, in my never say die attitude, I redid a shirt with the last remaining bottle of tulip dye.

Very glad it turned out well, and I even tinkered with the scissors a little!

Plus a good one from the previous batch, before all things went pear-shaped.


Nevertheless, some awesome time spent with some awesome people.
Try again next time, Tie-Dye 太太s!