I start off my moustache dress by first cutting out my patterns piece by piece, then overlocking their sides with a serger to prevent them from fraying.
After I've all my pieces ready, I let them sit in a hot tea bath of my kitchen sink for half an hour or so.
Once they turn a beautiful blush, I wring them out and let them dry overnight.
I then press them the next morning.
I generally use our dining table for my printing work as it's the largest table in the house. It is also in the area with most light. I'm looking forward to the day where Jian and I get our own place, and I'll finally be able to set up a workroom of my own. It can get a bit disorientating when I don't have a fixed working space, but I manage.
The mos are printed on with fabric paint, with a little stamp I've made out of linoleum and cork.
One can honestly make and create many a thing with just a bit of ingenuity.
The printing goes on throughout all my pieces.
Once completed, they go back to the iron to get sealed in after being let air-dried.
Lights, at this stage of the process, normally sits and watch me work.
Then, voila!
My pieces are now all printed and ready for sewing.