Decided to re-visit a previous design of my fox print.
You might remember this from months ago:
Prints were too small and way too laborious for orders. Not in my favourite cut either.
So I up-ed the size of my little foxy faces and went with a sky blue fabric, rather than a cobalt for a lighter / breezier feel.
I normally start my designs by coming up with swatches.
If I like what I see, I go on ahead and start cutting up my dress patterns.
If not, I go back to the drawing board to do more shaving & fine-tuning to my stamps.
I also pre-wash my fabric, as colours stay on better with that.
Compared to all the other dresses I've made for sale, this one really is labour-intensive.
Every detail to the fox (it's general face, ears, vest, eyes, nose), is individually hand-printed on.
This is a dress that definitely does not happen with a snap of a finger.
But, hand-printing (though not in a rush of things) can be very enjoyable, and very therapeutic.
Plus, the end result of your sweatshop labour totally pays off.
Once my prints are finished, I let it air-dry and seal off with a hot iron after.
Now, is the part where I wiggle my fingers in glee:
I turn my canvas into a dress!
Someone once thanked me for making wearable art. That statement to me, is still just - wow. Absolutely floored.
I mostly make my clothes for me. I would never think for anybody else to like them too!
In appreciation of God, who's put me in this position & thank you everyone for your support.
It's been quite unbelievable where I am today.
Fox dress will be up on
Etsy once my issue with Paypal resolves