Saturday, June 20, 2015

Easy Father's Day Gift DIY Tutorial

This year marks the first Father's Day for my husband. I thought to commemorate this special privilege by personalising a cup for him.
A little bit cheesy maybe, but what's better to have something encouraging greet you every morning when you need a cuppa.

So here's a tutorial for you too.

Materials needed for a personalised mug:

- A plain cup (I got mine from Muji)
- Marabu ceramic paints (they have a ceramic marker line too if you're not so comfortable with a paintbrush)
- Pencil + Eraser (optional)
- Paintbrushes
- Alcohol wipes
- Oven


1. Have a design in mind
2. Wash and dry your mug
3. Wipe the surface area you intend to have design on with an alcohol pad
4. With your pencil roughly sketch in your design. Or if you're daring, just go straight for it with your paint. You can always wipe off whatever is unwanted/redo with alcohol wipes

5. Leave design to dry for at least 4 hours
6. Place designed mug into cold oven
7. Heat oven to 170℃ and let it bake for 30 minutes
8. Let mug cool in the oven

You now have a cup of your very own design that's wash proof (dishwasher safe too) and a much appreciated dad!

{Side note: You might be curious as to why I wrote #0 and not #1. That's because Jian's a coder and in geek speak, 0 always comes before one. You'll get it if you're a programmer.}